Witchcamp Paths 2023

Tejas Elemental Salamander

With Christy and Morgana

Imagine being Salamander, breathing through your skin as you slither through the stone crevasses of the Underworld aquifer, embracing ancient fire and alchemizing elements through your body.  Salamander holds each element, embodying and creating magic as they journey through the worlds of water, fire, air, and earth, their spirit both internal and external flowing through their porous skin.

Our Salamander journey travels through the varied Tejas land-, sky-, fire-, and water- scape, visiting with each element as they are embodied on this Land. The story of the Elements of Central Tejas intertwines with our own to create a rich tapestry of magic.

This path is recommended for everyone new to Tejas Web, Reclaiming, and first-time Witchcampers.


Navigating a Reckoning: An Embodied Practice

With BrightFlame & Juniper


No body stands outside the consequences of injustice. ~ Aurora Levins Morales

Persephone’ s story can be told both ways. They fall. They choose. Maybe both are true. 

On your best day you take a bold step into the world where your habitual navigation markers no longer exist. Into a world where the you that you know no longer exists. Or maybe it’s the world that no longer exists as you know it. Or both. You have no guideposts, no landmarks, no compass. In the very same moment, you are falling. Not sure which way is up. Not sure what will catch you before you crash. 

The purpose of Persephone’s descent: to claim the authentic, connected power that alludes us when we insist on staying in our ordinary lives. In our comfortable mind states. Your descent might be a walk alone at night in the woods. It might be a priestxing role in a night ritual. It might be preparing to stand in tear gas. It might be having that hard conversation. Navigating a Reckoning will invite you to find your edge and practice there. 

Navigating a Reckoning will invite you to discern, temper, and condition your bodymind. To understand and use your relationships within the powerful mycelium web that connects us all. The mycelium web that breaks down and is nourished by what seems toxic and unchangeable. To practice the tools of a justice witch.


Persephone’s Labyrinth: A Path into The UnderWorld Arts of Death and Healing 

With Cedar Stevens & Crystal Cobra

All Paths lead to Death. Indeed, to be living IS a dying process~ a continuum of Time & Truth that is the core nature of our human and planetary embodiment, offering profound and challenging sacred rites of passage that empower our self discovery & sovereignty through natural cycles of loss, releasing, grieving, & ultimately renewal~ a mysterious and inherently magickal alchemy that perpetuates inner and outer transformation. 

This is Persephone’s Realm. 

How will you approach your own Death? How are you dying and rebirthing yourself every day and night? How will you Priestx the deaths of your loved ones?  How can we create compassionate rituals and practices that are radically healing and whole, to counter the twisted dance-and-denial that most of our SuperCulture imposes? 

In Persephone’s Labyrinth we take a revolutionary journey towards Death Positive wisdom. We Embrace Willingness to See & Heal Ourselves in the Darkness as well as Strengthen & Surrender  Ourselves in the Midst of the Unknown~ emerging from change, loss, grief, fear, and the shadow realms of our psyche Whole & Resilient through cultivating a deep Trust in the Process of Mother Nature’s design. 

Together we will walk Her ways and listen to Her wisdom, to re-imagine healthy ways to die, to mourn, to build satisfying rituals, and to live courageously with the certainty of Death. We will discover the many gifts that are offered by entering consciously into The Sacred UnderWorld with healing intention, artistry, and our pure inner-sense. 

This Path would be ideal for anyone who is called to Death Doula work, as well as for all who seek greater intimacy & healing with their own deepest inner shadow realms. It is recommended that students seeking this Path will have already taken Elements of Magick with Reclaiming teachers.